School Staff

Mrs Charlotte Wilders

Assistant Principal

Miss Kirsten McCalmont


Teaching Staff

Grades and structures.


Foundation M:  Miss Madelaine McCall


Year 1J: Mrs Jessica Pike


Year 1L: Mrs Levinia Pillai


Year 2D: Mrs Kerry Douglas


Year 2W: Mrs Kate Wilson


Year 3/4G: Mrs Kerrie Giles


Year 3/4N: Mr David North and Mrs Suzi Baldwin


Year 5/6K: Miss Danielle Kruger                                     


Year 5/6S: Mrs Sharyn Stewart and Mrs Suzi Baldwin


Language Unit: Ms Julia Murphy


Visual Arts: Ms Claire Eales


Phys Ed: Mr Martin Hayes

               Ms Deanne Round


STEAM: Ms Claire Eales


Indonesian: Ms Wayan Felberg


Education Support
Welfare Michael Woolsey
Administration Erica Cooper

Education Support

Kelly Abbott

Jo Broomhall

Laura Browne

Karen Byrnes
Helen Day
Sue Dickson
Kathleen Dodd

Renee Flavell

Alexandra Gahan
Bri Hackwell

Emily Jenkins

Lauren Johnson
Jane Lilley

Stephanie Murray

Samantha Pendry

Mia Racine
Amelia Robinson

Jane Scroggie

Kelly Jo Sayer
Amy Voltz

Outside School Hours Care - Elysium OSHC
Matt Hine

School Cleaner