School Profile Statement

Seaford Primary School is a friendly, caring school that values community and aims to achieve excellence, nurture individuality, understand and challenge every child.

We value Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Acceptance.
Seaford Primary School is located in the original part of Seaford and sits in close proximity to the Seaford/Edithvale Wetlands, Kananook Creek and the Seaford Foreshore.  The school was established in 1914 and our current enrolment is 210, drawing on students from the school neighbourhood area and beyond it.

Under the umbrella of the school’s motto ‘From Reality We Gain Understanding’ the school believes in a child centred approach to learning.  With supportive specialist programs including Physical Education, STEAM, Visual Arts, Performing Arts  and Indonesian, a comprehensive, diverse and differentiated curriculum is provided through the Victorian Curriculum using explicit teaching and inquiry learning.  The school provides for the development of Literacy and Numeracy with attention to emotional, social and physical development.

We provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities including an Active After School Community Program.  Linking Education And Play (LEAP) is a unique Prep – 6 program and a Developmental Outdoor Education Program is run from Prep to Year 6. 

We encourage the development of positive self esteem, and the ability to work as a team. Our Social Competencies program focuses on creating leaders and giving students a voice. The Leader In Me program (based on Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) is  embedded in all subject areas, and demonstrated and taught daily. We see the development of leadership skills in all our students as pivotal to their development and to find their place in the world.  We also use Restorative Practices, to assist in the development of social skills and the ability to resolve conflict.  


The school offers a daily healthy eating breakfast program and a morning and afternoon Out of Hours School Care run by Elysium. 

Exemplary programs are offered for students with a language disorder, or a learning or physical disability. Where students have severe expressive and or receptive language disorders we offer enrolment in a Special Assistance Unit – Language. The school also runs an aided program for students with disabilities, all of whom have Education Support Staff who support them in classroom programs and in the development of social skills in the playground.  An individual Additional Assistance Program supports students in years 1 -6 in their literacy learning, and this is complemented by the school’s Tutoring Program.

Children are consistently encouraged to value their own worth, and their learning potential and achievement is maximised by their understanding of their own individuality.

Seaford Primary School is fully committed to keeping children safe and has a zero tolerance for child abuse.