International Students Program
Seaford Primary School has established a relationship with an agency that organises students from overseas to spend a short period of time from 2 – 4 weeks at our school as a cultural experience. The international students spend time in an age appropriate classroom joining in with all of the other children in our normal school program.
There is huge advantage for both the international student as well as the Seaford Primary School students who gain an understanding of the culture of another country and an ability to interact and share our school and resources. It gives us all the opportunity to recognise and celebrate diversity and one of the school’s key values – Acceptance
Last year we were fortunate to have 32 students attend here for a one week study tour in August. This group of students from China were the junior choir of Olympic Garden Primary School in Beijing and on leaving our school went to Sydney to perform at the Sydney Opera House in an international children’s choir event. The memories our children now have of this experience will last with them for a very long time.